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Selling A Property in Majorca

Selling a property in Majorca Documents needed to offer a property for sale If you require help contact us. The documentation required for the sale of a property is Spain has changed rapidly in the last ten years most of this list is now obligatory. We can help you with all the paperwork listed, make a valuation of the legal status of your property and the documents that will be required to sell...

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Guide For Buyers of Property in Majorca

Buying a property in Majorca can be complex with a lot of different elements to consider we are here to help. Buying a property in Majorca as a citizen of a EU member state, to buy a property and open a bank account for the charges for local taxes and utility bills you will need a NIE more formally known as the Número de identidad de extranjero. The NIE is a tax identification number used to...

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